Join our sessions during CAMT 2018!
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Room 362C
Early Geometry Concepts:
Making Connections to the Real World
Young children are active investigators of their world. Learning about space and shape helps them make sense of the world around them and lays the foundation for understanding geometry. Children develop this knowledge through experiences in four aspects: movement in space, location and direction, three-dimensional objects, and two-dimensional shapes. Additionally, it is the language children learn through their early geometry years that will set the stage for future success in the mathematics classroom. In this playful session, we will take a journey through the developmental pathway necessary to build these essential concepts and how you can make them come to life in your classroom.
Presented by Gretchen Presley, ORIGO Education Learning Services Educator
2:30 – 3:30 PM Room 340
Supporting Student Success in Solving Problems
During this interactive workshop, participants will exploring how the use of language and discourse, visual models, and strategy/thinking games can foster reasoning skills and develop deeper understanding of concepts. Participants will work through a variety of real-world problems which foster students’ thinking and reasoning skills to engage all levels of learners.
Presented by Gretchen Presley, ORIGO Education Learning Services Educator
10:00 – 11:00 AM Room 342C
Supporting Student Success in Solving Problems
During this interactive workshop, participants will exploring how the use of language and discourse, visual models, and strategy/thinking games can foster reasoning skills and develop deeper understanding of concepts. Participants will work through a variety of real-world problems which foster students’ thinking and reasoning skills to engage all levels of learners.
Presented by Gretchen Presley, ORIGO Education Learning Services Educator
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Room 342A
What role does conceptual understanding play in assisting struggling math students? What are the steps to linking effective instruction and assessment for these students? Participants will tackle these questions during this interactive workshop.
Presented by Melinda Schwartz, ORIGO Education Learning Services Educator
4:00 – 5:00 PM Room 332B
To Proficiency and Beyond: A Strategic Approach to Multiplication and Division
This workshop will provide educators with powerful visual models to support students’ understanding of multiplication and division computational fluency strategies necessary for Number Talks. It includes a demonstration of visual aids for developing these powerful mental strategies that begin with number facts and broaden as they extend to greater numbers. This interactive workshop will be as much “hands on” as it is “minds on.Participants will leave with a range of practical activities and games that can be immediately used in the classroom.
Presented by Gretchen Presley, ORIGO Education Learning Services Educator
8:00 – 9:30 AM Ballroom B
What’s Important in Math Today?
The primary purpose of the school system has always been to prepare students for society. But with society changing more rapidly than ever before, it seems our students are being prepared for yesteryear’s economy. This session will reflect on recent decades to see how the mathematics curriculum prepared students for the society of the day. In doing so, it will provide a rationale for expanding the focus of classroom mathematics to include the thinking skills that students now need in order to engage effectively in today’s (and tomorrow’s) world. Additionally, participants will discover how to stimulate thinking and reasoning skills through language and discourse and by building a solid foundation of conceptual understanding.
Presented by James Burnett, ORIGO Education President and Co-founder
10:00 – 11:00 AM Room 332A
Counting Principles: The Fastest Route to Numerical Success
In this highly interactive session, we will explore the developmental pathway necessary for children to build their understanding of number, and how this pathway is closely connected to the Counting Principles.
Presented by Melinda Schwartz, ORIGO Education Learning Services Educator
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Ballroom A
Developing Fact Fluency with Understanding – Not Gimmicks!
Fluency is more than the memorization of isolated facts. Students need to see connections between basic number facts. They need representations of number that help form a “mind picture” that connects to a thinking strategy. This session will demonstrate simple visual aids that help students to master basic facts of the four operations with understanding – using strategies that can be extended beyond the number fact range.
Presented by James Burnett, ORIGO Education President and Co-founder
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Room 330
A Powerful Model for Representing Numbers
Students need models to gain a deep understanding of number and proficiency with skills. This interactive session for K-5 educators explores the progression from number tracks to number lines and highlights the versatility of the number line model to represent whole numbers, fractions, decimal fractions, relative position, magnitude, rounding, and even computational thinking. Participants will engage in a variety of games and activities to enhance students’ experiences with number lines and their mathematical achievement.
Presented by Gretchen Presley, ORIGO Education Learning Services Educator
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Room 350C
In aiding students to achieve mathematical proficiency, teachers must skillfully weave an environment that includes the elements of adaptive reasoning, strategic competence, conceptual understanding, productive disposition, and procedural fluency. Participants will explore how to employ mathematical habits of thinking, process skills, discourse, questioning, and visual models, to weave these elements together in order to cultivate mathematically proficient students.
Presented by Melinda Schwartz, ORIGO Education Learning Services Educator
1:00 – 2:00 PM Room 351B
How Do We Know What They Know? Visible Mathematics Learning
We must know what students know to guide them forward. John Hattie’s Visible Learning database helps us make good decisions about what strategies to use for what purpose for effective mathematics teaching. Learn about this research and its implications for mathematics teachers and students. Participants will engage in mathematics tasks and discourse strategies grounded in the meta-analyses built from the Visible Learning database. The session will model a sequence of learning experiences designed to make learning visible to teachers and students at all levels. The Visible Learning research tells us what is most effective for students from a wide range of populations. This session translates this research into practical strategies for mathematics teachers so they can use this foundation to create classrooms with equitable opportunities where every learner is empowered to access rich mathematics.
Presented by Sara Delano Moore, ORIGO Education Professional Learning Director